Sodium Peroxide Assays



New Member
Hi everyone,

I know that most of people over here are involved with Fireassays. However, probably that most of you have also been exposed to sodium peroxide assays for geological samples.

As you probably know, sodium peroxide degrades over time by absorbing air moisture, that will transform it into sodium hydroxide. This is why we keep it in a desicator most of the time. I suspect that my sodium peroxide supplier sold me some low quality stuff that has been exposed to moisture as I get a lot of white particules ( probably undigested silica) in my digested solutions.

Does anyone knows a quick method that allows you to know right away if you've been sold some spoiled sodium peroxide?


Daniel Picard, P.Chem.


New Member
I have performed Sodium Peroxide analysis for over 10 years now and have noticed that some batches react differently.
What I have found, which is odd, is the 93% Na2O is more reliable then the 95% Na2O. I know this sounds backwards, but from my observation this seems to be the case.

Now as far as testing each batch of sodium peroxide, I have not found a simple reliable method, yet.

Until I do, I will buy 93% reagent grade sodium peroxide.

Do you add anything else to your fusion other then the NaO2? Some geological sample require NaOH or KOH to digest the entire sample.